Rebecca Staudenmaier
Class of 2012
Independent Alum of the Day
As a native of Southern Ohio, I love my hometown, but I've always had very restless feet. Those feet brought me to new people and new stories and eventually dropped me off at Kalamazoo College! My major was English with an emphasis on creative writing and I also minored in German. During my time at Kalamazoo, I pursued parallel loves — writing poetry and speaking German. My junior year, I was able to study abroad at the University of Bonn and I was immediately hooked on Germany and German culture.
After graduating from Kalamazoo College, I received a Fulbright Scholarship and assistant-taught English and creative writing lessons to German students at a high school in Bonn, Germany.
After returning back to the USA, I was at a crossroads of where to go and what to do next. There were many sensible ideas and paths for me to follow, but I took a long-shot and applied for a master's program in International Media Studies. I was accepted to the program and am now located at the Deutsche Welle Academy, back again in Bonn, Germany.
My motivation
"You can't be what you can't see."
This quote from Marie Wilson in the Miss Representation documentary on women in the media inspired me to enter the media field. I want to create content and show stories that change what people see and encourage them to challenge stereotypes in their own lives.
My family also acts as an infinite source of motivation and also inspiration. Without their rock-solid support and trust, I wouldn't have been able to leave my bed, much less the country. They are all such strong and kind people and I seek every day to make them proud.
My latest accomplishments
My latest accomplishment was being accepted to the International Media Studies Master's Program at the Deutsche Welle Academy. It is an international program which consists of media professionals from Afghanistan, the Ukraine, Russia, Iran, Columbia, Senegal, and other countries around the world. The Deutsche Welle is one of the largest international broadcasters and provides news content in over 30 languages. The goal of this master's program is to prepare media professionals to become managers of media in their home countries.
Much of our work is collaborative and affords me the incredible opportunity to not only work alongside professionals from around the world, but also to hear their perspectives on current events.
Next big goal
My next big goal is to get hired at an international media company as a content manager. Along with writing and editing, my greatest passions also include international, cooperative work -- and international work that inspires change.
Why is choosing your own path important?
I am a big proponent of listening to others, especially their advice and concerns. But, when it comes to making the decision -- to choose which way to go -- there's only one person who can make that call, and that person is you.
I never would have imagined that my path would bring me to Germany and the program I am in now. In choosing to go this route, I have discovered something that combines both of my passions -- something that brings my professional life forward and brings me joy as well.
Favorite place on campus
The Reading Room at Kalamazoo College's Library has a very calming atmosphere (and wonderful fireplaces as well!)Share this profile
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