Andrew Crawley
Highschool: Allendale High
Class of 2017
Independent Student of the Day
Hello, my name is Andrew Crawley and I am a Junior at Aquinas College. I am studying math and physics as well as getting my secondary education teaching certificate. Throughout my time at Aquinas College so far I have grown so much as a person. I have had the opportunity to be involved in many on campus clubs, play intramural sports, and work two jobs on campus. On top of being involved on campus, I am a Young Life leader for the urban schools of Grand Rapids. It has been an amazing opportunity to work in youth ministry and get the opportunity to experience a different culture than I am used to. Although I am studying to be a teacher, I have a passion for business and have already got into my own real estate venture.
My motivation
Others motivate me. Recently a group of friends and I went to NIagra Falls during a break. While we were there, one of my roomates saw a friend from high school that was recently married. We were talking to them and they were telling us how they lost $6 at the casino and because of that they will never go to a casino again. A random guy who was standing near by laughed and said, "6 bucks, you lost 6 bucks?" and then handed them a $100 bill. I want to have enough success to be able to give like that guy. When I say success, I don't mean just money. Maybe it is having my own business so I have the time to serve others or maybe it is owning a successful business so I can give strangers $100 whenever I want to. Who knows where I will end up but I know that I want to be able to serve others, and that's what motivates me.
My latest accomplishments
My latest acomplishment would have to be a tie between becoming a team leader within Young Life and the purchase of my house. I love working with students and being offered to take over a leadership position within Young Life has been simply amazing. On the other hand, the purchase of my house has been an amazing experience becasue it is the start of my business career. I rent out the rooms of this house to other college students. This has been going so well that I am looking into purchasing a second house to rent out.
Next big goal
My next big goal is to start my own business. I would love to have my own business up and running by the time I graduate. I know it is a HUGE goal but I love the idea of having multiple incomes. I want to take the risks while I'm young and carve out my own path in this world!
Why is choosing your own path important?
Choosing your own path is the most important part of growth. Just imagine if you hadn't been able to choose your own path. Just imagine if when you graduated high school, you had to draw a college out of a hat. Then when you got to college you had to draw a major out of a hat. Finally you graduate and then you have to draw your career out of a hat. As I think about this, I realize how terrible that would be. I could have ended up having to go to college far away from family and then could have had to study something that I care nothing about. I think many of us take this for granted. Choosing your own path is so so SO important becasue it gives people a passion for what they are doing. It gives them that drive to want to be better at what they are doing. It is an amazing thing, really.
Favorite place on campus
The Moose, which is an awesome coffee shop where many students spend their days.Share this profile
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