Grace Waterstradt
Highschool: Swanton High School
Class of 2015
Independent Student of the Day
Grace Waterstradt is a senior at Adrian College majoring in public relations.
Always on the go, Grace is very involved on campus and in her community. She serves her student body as President of the Campus Activities Network, as Spirit Chair of the Student Government Association, and as Alumni Relations Chair of Mortar Board, the national senior honor society. Grace also is a member of the Chi Omega. She loves giving back to her community through volunteer opportunities with her sorority and Adrian's Student Government Association.
After graduation, Grace hopes to find a job before eventually going back to school to obtain her master’s degree. Her goal is to work in higher education.
My motivation
I am motivated by my family and friends, and my college community. I receive so much support from all three of these groups, and I know that with that support I can do more, and go further. My family and friends always encourage me to do my best and often help me navigate my way through my busy schedule. My college community pushes me to succeed too. The support I've received from the professors and administrators at Adrian College has helped me become the person I am today.
My latest accomplishments
My latest accomplishment is completing an internship with the Student Life office in Student Activities. Through this internship I was able to help with events such as Grandparent's Day, Homecoming, and Family Weekend. As my final project I was given the responsibility of planning the All-Campus Christmas Party. This party utilizes the student center and is a celebration for students, staff, and faculty. It was incredibly fulfilling to plan such a fun and festive event for campus.
Next big goal
After successfully graduating with my B.A., my goal is to obtain a job that I enjoy.
Why is choosing your own path important?
Choosing your own path is important because it will help you learn what you're passionate about and lead you to a life that you love. Being independent is one of the most important traits a person can have, and it often helps boost strength and confidence by ensuring that you are in control of your own life.
Favorite place on campus
My favorite place on campus is Caine Student Center. It's the hub of all activity, and is always full of students, events, and fun!Share this profile
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