Robert Goodloe
Class of 2019
Independent Student of the Day
A former Laguna Hills, CA resident, Robert Goodloe is now a junior at Kalamazoo College majoring in engineering. He keeps busy on campus as a member of the Kalamzoo College Food Recovery Network, a student organization that coordinates the donation of leftover food from the cafeteria to local homeless shelters on a weekly basis. He is also a member of Kalamzoo Physics Society.
Robert took his education beyond the classroom studying abroad in Strasbourg, France for three months. He has also worked as a manufacturing intern at Niagara Bottling where his main function was working on preventative maintenance.
My motivation
I'm motivated by my fellow students. We are always pushing ourselves to be better. In doing so, we think for ourselves and solve problems in innovative ways.
My latest accomplishments
I was recently awarded a $5,000 state-wide innovation scholarship for my collaborative business idea with my classmate Zachary Van Faussien. I was awarded the scholarship by Michigan Colleges Alliance (MCA) through its Independent Innovators Network scholarship program.
Next big goal
My next big goal is to continue working with as many people as possible to better understand their needs and how we can create a product that is tailored to them.
Why is choosing your own path important?
It is important to choose your own path. This is especially true when finding the right school that fits your unique characteristics, talents, and desires. I chose Kalamazoo College for the small class sizes and the breadth of experience offered.
Favorite place on campus
I enjoy the third floor of the library. The silence makes it the best space for studying.Share this profile
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