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The Roundtable on Talent Brings Together Educators and Business Leaders
Another successful “Roundtable on Talent” is in the books. The Michigan Colleges Alliance hosted 40 business leaders and the college presidents from Michigan’s top 15 independent colleges and universities for series of discussions on the future of work and learning.
The group collaborated on ideas for keeping Michigan’s brightest minds working here in the state after graduation and shared best practices in higher education and corporate partnerships. Kevin Mulcahy, a nationally acclaimed futurist and consultant, facilitated the conversations and Kurt Darrow, the CEO La-Z-Boy, delivered an insightful keynote.
The initiative provides a forum for MCA campuses to better understand employer needs of recent college graduates, build relationships between Michigan employers and MCA institutions, and consider new approaches to prepare students and address those needs.
Special thanks to sponsors of this year’s event including Office Depot, Grand Hotel, Warner Norcross & Judd, Bon Appétit Management Company and Siemens.